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 Favorite city?

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keftiu Posted - 29 Feb 2020 : 08:55:55
Saw a resounding endorsement of Arabel in another thread and appreciated it, as I’d never even think to look into it. It made me wonder what other locales I’m ignorant of, so I’d love to hear everyone else’s!
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 05 Mar 2020 : 08:59:55
Senior Scribe AJA,

You know that is a good point on what city would you want to live in, as opposed to what city is your favorite. My favorite city would be a tourist destination for me, but I obviously would not want to live there.

You have inspired me to start a new topic (but to search it first!).

Best regards,

Originally posted by AJA

My favorite city to write and read about is definitely Waterdeep, but I've always had a special fondness for Elversult ever since I first read through the Forgotten Realms Adventures hardcover. The map of the city and the accompanying text, "Elversult stands where it does because of the many small spring-fed ponds (said to contain lost treasure) that nestle here among wooded knolls. A fairly new settlement, Elversult has always had a strong ruler, and as a result none of the woods or ponds have been despoiled. Lacking any walls, Elversult sprawls beyond the hills" really spoke to me. If this were a "where in the Realms would you like to live" question, that would be my answer over the City of Splendors.

AJA Posted - 05 Mar 2020 : 01:13:43

My favorite city to write and read about is definitely Waterdeep, but I've always had a special fondness for Elversult ever since I first read through the Forgotten Realms Adventures hardcover. The map of the city and the accompanying text, "Elversult stands where it does because of the many small spring-fed ponds (said to contain lost treasure) that nestle here among wooded knolls. A fairly new settlement, Elversult has always had a strong ruler, and as a result none of the woods or ponds have been despoiled. Lacking any walls, Elversult sprawls beyond the hills" really spoke to me. If this were a "where in the Realms would you like to live" question, that would be my answer over the City of Splendors.

cpthero2 Posted - 04 Mar 2020 : 19:51:30
Master Barastir,

I can see why you would like that. It is a great place for adventurer's to break out and do their thing, and have plenty of ports of call available for all manner of activities! Perfectly centered.

I prefer staying away from the cities such as Waterdeep and Calimport as they are just too big, too fleshed out, and a little cosmopolitan for my tastes. Then again, it is about the PC's. :)

Best regards,

Originally posted by Barastir

I like Daggerford for its simpler life, with Waterdeep's proximity making the great city luxuries within reach. It is also near to the Misty Forest to the south and Ardeep to the north, to the ruins of Mount Illefarn and to Sir Elorfindar's estate. A great place for adventurers to thrive as the local heroes.

Barastir Posted - 04 Mar 2020 : 17:49:54
I like Daggerford for its simpler life, with Waterdeep's proximity making the great city luxuries within reach. It is also near to the Misty Forest to the south and Ardeep to the north, to the ruins of Mount Illefarn and to Sir Elorfindar's estate. A great place for adventurers to thrive as the local heroes.
cpthero2 Posted - 04 Mar 2020 : 00:19:22
Learned Scribe keftiu,

My favorite city is a little off the path: Alsyrrt. It sounds amazing the way it was described in Sea of Fallen Stars

Best regards,

Brimstone Posted - 03 Mar 2020 : 14:09:30
Waterdeep. To me it's the New York City of the Realms. Always hustling and bustling.
Gary Dallison Posted - 03 Mar 2020 : 08:40:04
I reckon with a bit of love suzail could be awesome.
George Krashos Posted - 03 Mar 2020 : 08:20:17

-- George Krashos
keftiu Posted - 03 Mar 2020 : 07:02:27
Originally posted by Seravin

My two favorites are Phlan (I'm old school and Pool of Radiance was my intro to the Realms) and Saerloon, I just fell in love with the Cult leaders there in Spellfire and the write up of it in FRA - the temples to Mystra and Azuth are so cool, and I love a gothic city with gargoyles.

Immersea is my favorite village by far, because of the Wyvern's Spur.

I've actually really fallen for Saerloon as well, though for very different reasons: under Netherese occupation in the 4e era, its recently endured a crackdown on faiths other than the church of Shar, and is noted to potentially be the most poised for revolution.
Seravin Posted - 29 Feb 2020 : 23:47:56
My two favorites are Phlan (I'm old school and Pool of Radiance was my intro to the Realms) and Saerloon, I just fell in love with the Cult leaders there in Spellfire and the write up of it in FRA - the temples to Mystra and Azuth are so cool, and I love a gothic city with gargoyles.

Immersea is my favorite village by far, because of the Wyvern's Spur.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 29 Feb 2020 : 21:11:14
Everlund; a large city with a mixed population of elves, dwarves, humans, gnomes and halflings.

Silverymoon; as above but with much more magic
Dalor Darden Posted - 29 Feb 2020 : 19:12:30
I really love Zhentil Keep. It is a city of danger and manifold layers of intrigue. There are elements of it that you really don’t see in even the other Moonsea cities. People have said “but it is dominated by the Zhentarim” to which I simply respond “Waterdeep has its Hidden Lords that dominate as well...most cities are dominated by someone” and leave it at that.

Good adventure can be had nearly anywhere really.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Feb 2020 : 17:25:17
For the Realms, I'm all about Waterdeep and Silverymoon.

Waterdeep's system of government, with its Hidden Lords, fascinates me, and the large, cosmopolitan, and good-ish nature of the city appeals, as well.

Silverymoon has the large and cosmopolitan things going on, as well, but leans more to good and throws in a lot more magic. And it's named for my favorite Realms deity, which is another plus.
Zeromaru X Posted - 29 Feb 2020 : 16:04:44
Besides Neverwinter? I guess Djerad Thymar. The place feels alien and is a good fitting in a fantasy setting.

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