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Synthalus Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 13:09:59
What kingdom or counrty in FR's has the largest a best equiped navy?
I've always been fascinated by epic naval battles and i'm just curious where the best naval forces reside in the FR.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 22:07:41
From searching on the forums I'm thinking the term might be a historical one from one of the timelines. I'll have to dig into this a little further.


Knight of the Gate Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 21:35:25
Originally posted by Christopher_Rowe

Originally posted by Knight of the Gate

IIRC, it's in Lands of Intrigue, available as a free download from Wizards.

The 2E Boxed set on Tethyr, Amn, and Erlkazar? You don't mean Empires of the Shining Sea? The latter boxed set, covering Calimshan (and "The Land of Lions") has information on El Nallojal but I think the term Qysanallojal might be new to me. Sounds like a term from the Age of Shoon, though.

And since I've got the book out, I'll go ahead and quote, for the OP's benefit, a few lines about the Calishite navy.

Rebuilt only a little over a decade ago [as of 1370 DR]...Syl-Pasha Pesarkhal sees it as simply a tool to be used to consolidate Calimshan's power throughout the Shining Sea and the Sword Coast regions. The cities with large naval forces are Almraiven and Teshburl, but all of the port cities have specially designated naval piers and wharves. There are always at least 12 ships in any Calishite or nearby allied port and no fewer than 30 moored in Almraiven, Calimport, Memnon, and Teshburl.
Empires of the Shining Sea, p. 68



TBH, Christopher, I got that from my notes on my laptop; it may well have come from SES's thread here at the 'Keep.
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 20:53:19
Originally posted by Knight of the Gate

IIRC, it's in Lands of Intrigue, available as a free download from Wizards.

The 2E Boxed set on Tethyr, Amn, and Erlkazar? You don't mean Empires of the Shining Sea? The latter boxed set, covering Calimshan (and "The Land of Lions") has information on El Nallojal but I think the term Qysanallojal might be new to me. Sounds like a term from the Age of Shoon, though.

And since I've got the book out, I'll go ahead and quote, for the OP's benefit, a few lines about the Calishite navy.

Rebuilt only a little over a decade ago [as of 1370 DR]...Syl-Pasha Pesarkhal sees it as simply a tool to be used to consolidate Calimshan's power throughout the Shining Sea and the Sword Coast regions. The cities with large naval forces are Almraiven and Teshburl, but all of the port cities have specially designated naval piers and wharves. There are always at least 12 ships in any Calishite or nearby allied port and no fewer than 30 moored in Almraiven, Calimport, Memnon, and Teshburl.
Empires of the Shining Sea, p. 68


Knight of the Gate Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 20:34:21
Originally posted by Christopher_Rowe

Originally posted by Knight of the Gate

As far as Faerun, Calimshan's is pretty large (being comprised of the Nallojal -Calimshan's navy- and the Qysanallojal- the Imperial Navy of Calimshan)...

Interesting. What's the source on that, Knight?



IIRC, it's in Lands of Intrigue, available as a free download from Wizards.
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 18:55:26
Originally posted by Knight of the Gate

As far as Faerun, Calimshan's is pretty large (being comprised of the Nallojal -Calimshan's navy- and the Qysanallojal- the Imperial Navy of Calimshan)...

Interesting. What's the source on that, Knight?


Knight of the Gate Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 17:59:23
As far as Faerun, Calimshan's is pretty large (being comprised of the Nallojal -Calimshan's navy- and the Qysanallojal- the Imperial Navy of Calimshan), as is Thay's. Although it's not as big as Calimshan's, the heavyweight on the high seas is Evermeet; with sea elf marines, an aircraft carrier (!) and a slew of marine battlemagi, no one who wants to remain afloat for long messes with Amlauril's navy.
By comparison, the Blue Dragons (Cormyr's navy) is IIRC a well trained and equipped, but very small force, numbering only a couple dozen ships larger than a skiff, and only one or two 'ships of the line'.
Ayrik Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 17:54:26
The pirates of the Sea of Fallen Stars collectively have a mighty fleet. Not really a nation, nor a necessarily cohesive naval force. But still a dominant presence.

Mulmaster does pretty good in the Moonsea, I hear.

I think the elves of Evermeet maintained fleets. Possibly also the Moonshaes.
Knight of the Gate Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 17:29:57
The correct answer (and not by anything close to a small margin) is Shou Lung. Their navy is several orders of magnitude larger than the next largest in existence. While I'm not familiar with Zakhara myself, I would say from tangenital stuff I've read that the 'Corsair navy' which it can apparently assemble is the next biggest.
Synthalus Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 17:03:04
well it was just a general question overall. im in the navy myself and i was just curious if anyone had any references to FR books or cannon that explains or portrays naval battles and or supremacy by one counrty or another.
Kentinal Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 14:33:38
I some ways the question is meaningless.
It part because it depends on time period, also are you asking about number of ships, overall military power?
There is also merchant Navy, territories that secure privateers as part of navel force.
Evermeet clearly had/has a powerful Navy which included spelljammers.
Alisttair Posted - 03 Feb 2011 : 13:15:12
I think Cormy'r navy, as far as the Sea of Fallen Stars area is concerned, is up there, if not the best.

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