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 Thoughts on the FR DM Screen?

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Ozreth Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 10:36:43
Is it sturdy? Useful? Pretty?

Also, what is the difference between this one:

and this one:

One 3e and one 3.5 by chance?

Thanks : )
28   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alisttair Posted - 01 Dec 2010 : 15:08:45
Originally posted by WildRyc

I'm fairly certain we've all forgotten the mother of all DM Screens, the Hackmaster Official GameMaster's Shield:

Clocking in at 32 pages of glory, separated into Player information and GameMaster Eyes Only, it has everything, including: a randomized dungeon generation table, frequently used items purchasing list, random encounter generation (divided amongst all different terrain areas), critical hits table, Wrath of the GM table, and more.

What else could you need?

NICE! didnt know about this.
Ayrik Posted - 01 Dec 2010 : 15:07:07
I like the idea of sliding clips along numbered edges to track things. A great idea (reduces note scribbling) that I've never seen or imagined before. The screen seems a bit overkill to me, but definitely doesn't lack in the player-intimidation department. Well met and welcome to Candlekeep, WildRyc, good find.
WildRyc Posted - 01 Dec 2010 : 14:59:26
I'm fairly certain we've all forgotten the mother of all DM Screens, the Hackmaster Official GameMaster's Shield:

Clocking in at 32 pages of glory, separated into Player information and GameMaster Eyes Only, it has everything, including: a randomized dungeon generation table, frequently used items purchasing list, random encounter generation (divided amongst all different terrain areas), critical hits table, Wrath of the GM table, and more.

What else could you need?
wintermute27 Posted - 29 Oct 2010 : 22:51:12
I actually saw a rather nice GM's screen at my FLGS today. It is the Savage World's GM screen. It is basically three double sided, sleeved, 3-ring binder covers attached end to end (low profile). Completely customizable and sturdy. A nice, edition neutral option to throw out there. Also, you can assemble your favorite Forgotten Realms art and maps to use on the side that faces the players.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 28 Oct 2010 : 13:29:18
This seemed appropriate.
Ozreth Posted - 28 Oct 2010 : 06:22:19
Ok so the FR DM screen has arrived. As has been mentioned, the tables on the screen aren't very helpful (although a few are) but the encounters book that comes with it was well worth the money for me.

It is pretty flimsy, and a bit tall for my liking. Will mostly keep it on the side at my games.

The 3.5 screen should be here tomorrow.
Ozreth Posted - 27 Oct 2010 : 04:21:42
Originally posted by wintermute27

Originally posted by Ozreth

You guys are saying the 3.5 deluxe screen is more "low profile", but it states that it is 11", dosent seem very low to me!

For most DM screens, they are oriented so that the 11" side is the height, with the 3.5 deluxe screen, the 8.5" side is the height instead. so it is a little longer and shorter than a 4-panel screen oriented the other way.

Ooh thats awesome, glad to hear it : ) excited for them to arrive.
wintermute27 Posted - 27 Oct 2010 : 01:45:48
Originally posted by Ozreth

You guys are saying the 3.5 deluxe screen is more "low profile", but it states that it is 11", dosent seem very low to me!

For most DM screens, they are oriented so that the 11" side is the height, with the 3.5 deluxe screen, the 8.5" side is the height instead. so it is a little longer and shorter than a 4-panel screen oriented the other way.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 26 Oct 2010 : 14:28:56
Originally posted by Alisttair

The FR DM screen comes with a booklet for random encounters based on wilderness areas of the realms I believe, which you might enjoy btw.

Not only wilderness areas, but also dungeon levels. Including a terrific section on dragon encounters.
Alisttair Posted - 26 Oct 2010 : 13:43:38
The FR DM screen comes with a booklet for random encounters based on wilderness areas of the realms I believe, which you might enjoy btw.
Dart Ambermoon Posted - 25 Oct 2010 : 22:55:21

Arrrgh! One of the first RPGs in Germany was "Das Schwarze Auge" (The Black Eye). When it was released in 1984, the Dungeon Master Box contained a mask (picture) for the the DM. It was ridiculous. Unfortunately, in a way it also cemented the view that RPGs are for children.

Oh yes, I remember that one *shudders*. Only ever had one GM trying to wear it...boy, what a barrage of laughter he got.
Ozreth Posted - 25 Oct 2010 : 21:41:04
So both screens are on their way and I am excited. I'll drop my two cents when they arrive.

You guys are saying the 3.5 deluxe screen is more "low profile", but it states that it is 11", dosent seem very low to me!

I also own the 4e screen and it is amazing and I would kill for something like it for 3.5. I might even have to just post my own tables on the back of it one day.
Alisttair Posted - 25 Oct 2010 : 17:07:20
Originally posted by Mr_Miscellany

Much prefer the 3.5 DM Screen with the low profile. Makes it a lot easier to see the gaming table. Having four panels means all the rules are right where you need them for reference.

Yerah thats something else with the 4e one. It doesnt go as high so you can actually see over it without having to stand up.
Mr_Miscellany Posted - 25 Oct 2010 : 16:03:45
Much prefer the 3.5 DM Screen with the low profile. Makes it a lot easier to see the gaming table. Having four panels means all the rules are right where you need them for reference.
Alisttair Posted - 25 Oct 2010 : 14:19:46
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Never used it, and I don't think it's all that to look at.

If you want a sturdy DM's screen, go for the Pathfinder one. Sure, it's for PFRPG and not D&D, but it's a hardcover screen!

The 4e D&D screen is also an improvement over the 3E one...much sturdier. (4e info on it though so not as useful for information if your not running 4e)
Pazuzu Posted - 25 Oct 2010 : 10:05:24
Originally posted by Ayunken-vanzan
Arrrgh! One of the first RPGs in Germany was "Das Schwarze Auge" (The Black Eye). When it was released in 1984, the Dungeon Master Box contained a mask (picture) for the the DM. It was ridiculous. Unfortunately, in a way it also cemented the view that RPGs are for children.

Hahah! I didn't know that! That's really funny :-D
Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 25 Oct 2010 : 05:47:45
Originally posted by Markustay

Or better yet, use the PF ones and wear a really scary mask while you DM.

Arrrgh! One of the first RPGs in Germany was "Das Schwarze Auge" (The Black Eye). When it was released in 1984, the Dungeon Master Box contained a mask (picture) for the the DM. It was ridiculous. Unfortunately, in a way it also cemented the view that RPGs are for children.
wintermute27 Posted - 25 Oct 2010 : 02:54:08
Yes, the Deluxe DM screen was the one I was referencing. Also, I should point out that I don't actually use a screen to DM. My current set-up is to have the PRPG screen (since that is what I'm running) folded up next to me on the table on top of my "secret DM notes" to hide them from my players. I mostly would keep a screen nearby to reference the charts on it quickly rather than look up the relevant information in the book. I also sit down while I DM, so I don't like "being hidden" from my players or having my view of the play mat obscured with the taller screens while running games.
Ozreth Posted - 24 Oct 2010 : 23:28:25
Originally posted by wintermute27

I just pulled the 3.5, Forgotten Realms, and Pathfinder DM screens off my shelf to compare them. I never was a big fan of the art on the FR screen, while the iconic dragon on the 3.5 screen is a rather nice touch. Also, while they are all packaged 8.5"x11", I do like the low profile of the 3.5 screen better than the 11" tall FR and PRPG ones. As for durability, the PRGP screen has the others beat hands down.

Content wise, The charts presented on the 3.5 and PRPG screens are way more useful than the FR charts, About half of the FR screen is taken up with Weapon and Armor charts which, with I found aren't that useful. The calendar of Harptos and Roll of Years sidebars are a nice touch.

The real gem of the FR screen is the "Encounters in Faerun" supplement that comes bundled with it. I can't tell you how much I have used that over the years. I even went out an bought a second screen that I have no intention of using just to replace my lost copy of the encounter charts.

My verdict: If you are playing 3.5, get the generic 3.5 screen to use and, if it interests you, the Encounters in Faerun supplement is a welcome addition to any DM's bookshelf.

This is just the reply I needed, thank you! Ordering both now : ) When you speak of the 3.5 screen you mean the "Deluxe DM" screen correct?
wintermute27 Posted - 24 Oct 2010 : 20:09:10
I just pulled the 3.5, Forgotten Realms, and Pathfinder DM screens off my shelf to compare them. I never was a big fan of the art on the FR screen, while the iconic dragon on the 3.5 screen is a rather nice touch. Also, while they are all packaged 8.5"x11", I do like the low profile of the 3.5 screen better than the 11" tall FR and PRPG ones. As for durability, the PRGP screen has the others beat hands down.

Content wise, The charts presented on the 3.5 and PRPG screens are way more useful than the FR charts, About half of the FR screen is taken up with Weapon and Armor charts which, with I found aren't that useful. The calendar of Harptos and Roll of Years sidebars are a nice touch.

The real gem of the FR screen is the "Encounters in Faerun" supplement that comes bundled with it. I can't tell you how much I have used that over the years. I even went out an bought a second screen that I have no intention of using just to replace my lost copy of the encounter charts.

My verdict: If you are playing 3.5, get the generic 3.5 screen to use and, if it interests you, the Encounters in Faerun supplement is a welcome addition to any DM's bookshelf.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 22:10:26
Originally posted by Arik

I don't think the mask is a great idea. You lose your peripheral vision, can't see players attempting sneak attacks.

Ozreth Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 20:33:57
haha thanks for the replies guys!

I'm not too worried about intimidating my players and think it may actually be nice if the picture have a light hearted frontier/adventure feel.

What are the pictures on the screen? Pretty sure that picture of Drizzt is just the cover of the packaging, but I cant find the inside or outside of the actual screen.

Also, it comes with a 32 page book with Realms monster and weather encounters, which may be helpful for a new realms dm like myself.

And are the things on it pretty compatible with 3.5?

I've already got a DM screen, just thought it would add to the feel of my game a bit if I had a Realms on and it may help me with quick ideas that fit the flavor of the game.
Ayrik Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 19:43:59
This is a good option. A variation would be to use the sort of stiff plastic standup things you see used on restaurant tabletop menus. They're probably available at office supply retailers. Total cost of plastics, printing, and copying would be comparable (or less) than an official screen. Plus you can use erasable markers on it, definitely useful.

You can stick maps on the player side, or a first-person "photo" of the dungeon/city/desert/whatever they're exploring, or an image of whatever monster(s) they're fighting. Keeps them anchored on important game elements when boredom threatens to drift them away. There's plenty of fantastic artwork floating around the ether which can be stolen for this application. You can even encourage your players to submit pictures of their characters.

I don't think the mask is a great idea. You lose your peripheral vision, can't see players attempting sneak attacks.
Markustay Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 17:35:13
Or better yet, use the PF ones and wear a really scary mask while you DM.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 17:29:08
Then print out your own intimidating images and stick `em on the front. Heck, the glossy hardcover is good enough quality that you should be able to tape stuff to it and not ruin it...
Ayrik Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 16:54:58
It's not intimidating enough on the player's side.

The old REF1 screens (1e 2e), especially when assembled in formation, would make players skittish and subliminally erode their confidence.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 14:40:20
Agree with Wooly. The PF screen is sturdy enough that you can use it as a "wall" to roll the dice against.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 14:33:17
Never used it, and I don't think it's all that to look at.

If you want a sturdy DM's screen, go for the Pathfinder one. Sure, it's for PFRPG and not D&D, but it's a hardcover screen!

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