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 Ed Greenwood on Twitter

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Jan 2019 : 16:19:25
It occurs to me that Ed has been posting Realmslore on the Twitter, and not everyone has the Twitter.

So I thought a single place where such lore could be collected would be a good thing.

Ed is a frequent poster there, adding all sorts of Stormtalons and Epic Fantasy stuff, but for the purposes of this thread, I'd like to keep it focused on his Realmslore.

(I'm also stickying this thread, to make it easier to find)

Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) on Twitter

The #Realmslore hashtag on Twitter
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
questing gm Posted - 01 Jun 2024 : 02:16:28
On Jergal still a god

May 31, 2024


@TheEdVerse Is Jergal still a god? Is he a quasi-diety, or something else even? Are quasi-dieties considered gods?

Pendantry is fine; the specifics matter for my campaign! Thank you in advance


Jergal remains a god. All gods are divine beings, but not all divine beings are gods. For instance, many deities have servitors (e.g. the Chosen of Mystra). Some are effectively immortal, unless destroyed; they are divine but not gods. "God" is just a mortal label.
questing gm Posted - 31 May 2024 : 02:27:05
On drow craft mechanicals

May 30, 2024


More drow lore!

This time, we're talking about the process by which the drow craft mechanicals, magical devices, and even prosthetic limbs. :}

questing gm Posted - 31 May 2024 : 02:24:54
On the Night of Too Many Wizards

May 23, 2024


It's time for another Edtime Story™#65039;!

This time, we follow a king hoping to impress a princess by reclaiming his lost youth and the wizardly shenanigans that follow! ;}


#dnd #realmslore #forgottenrealms

questing gm Posted - 15 May 2024 : 10:35:02
On befriending a mimic

May 14, 2024


Hail and well met Mr. Greenwood,

If you have the time to humor a strange question, I would be extremely grateful. Is it possible to befriend and/or train a mimic to act as a companion/pet?


Oh, yes. Like humans, they vary widely in personality. Some are loyal and affectionate, many are as self-minded as the Luggage (Discworld), and a lot are "in between."


Thank you so much for answering my question! It brightens my day immensely to gain wisdom from the master himself


My pleasure! (Some are companions or pets, others decidedly not. There's even a spelljammer sailing Realmspace crewed entirely by "treasure chests," meaning mimics that ate the goblin crew, and now go hunting the gullible to get fresh meals.)
questing gm Posted - 11 May 2024 : 06:50:28
On taste of a Beast of Malar meat

May 11, 2024


How tasty do you think a Beast of Malar would be? Do you think @Artie_Pavlov could make a cooking entry about one?



Elminster asks if you've ever eaten bison. Well-done, not rare.

He advises a marinade. And for some, generous applications of barbeque sauce.
questing gm Posted - 11 May 2024 : 06:21:41
On Trelasarra Zuind's ale mug

May 9, 2024


Ye can get a wizard to drink
But ye cannot make a wizard think
So drown his wits in this here mug
Thy safety grows with his every glug!



Is this a mug Trelasarra Zuind would use drink her ale in?


Trelasarra prefers moonwine, in long, slender drinking horns.

However, Elminster won her over with hot chocolate in one of these mugs. She got all giggly.

(I think it was the tiny marshmallows, myself.)

questing gm Posted - 05 May 2024 : 09:25:15
On "By my halidom!"

May 4, 2024


@TheEdVerse, in Crown of Fire, Mirt exclaims: "By my halidom!" and even gets questioned about it by one of the Harper 'ladies'. Is it just an out of fashion nonsense saying folks use or something else?


Heh. Mirt picked it up from Elminster, who got it while visiting our real world Earth and hanging out at a Ren Faire. When El said it, it sounded REALLY dirty to Mirt, so he took to using it with gusto.

We actually covered this in a panel at a Milwaukee-era GenCon.
questing gm Posted - 03 May 2024 : 07:05:45
On Imberlur

May 3, 2024


Are you looking for an exciting new location for your party to explore?

Well, I've just released some brand new Realmslore where I talk all about the mysterious drow city of Imberlur!
questing gm Posted - 03 May 2024 : 06:47:57
On what inspired Ed to make the Forgotten Realms

May 1, 2024


What inspired you to make the forgotten realms!


I was five years old, and (bored) in kindergarten had a daydream about two ladies with silver hair. I wanted to know more about them, and their world around them. So I started writing stories. A decade before D&D.
questing gm Posted - 27 Apr 2024 : 04:17:11
On education in mother-belly for half-elves

Apr 27, 2024


Hey, @TheEdVerse , according to Cormanthor: Empire of Elves, Elves take some kind of education in mother-belly. Question is how that works for half-elves? Like if had an Elf mother and human father or half-Elf mother? How that affects the child?


Elf and half-elf mothers do this alike, regardless of who their child's father is. What differs with every individual mother and unborn babe is how well the teaching goes, and the child-to-be learns; it varies a lot (partly by the life experience of the mother).
questing gm Posted - 27 Apr 2024 : 04:14:51
On Nar demon binding

Apr 27, 2024


I've just released some new #realmslore, this time on binding demons, just like the Nar folk. ;}

May 8, 2024


I'm incredibly excited to share an essential resource for those looking to master the Abyss in their campaigns! ;}

Come with me as I guide you through the process of binding DEMONS... just like the Nar folk #128520;


- Edited on 8/5/24 to add new tweet
questing gm Posted - 26 Apr 2024 : 02:17:28
On Maraloi video

Apr 24, 2024


Join me as I reveal the secrets of a mysterious group in the Realms called the Maraloi (also known as the Ancient Lords and the Spirit Folk) in my new video!
questing gm Posted - 23 Apr 2024 : 12:52:16
On charges for "services" by worshippers of Sune

Apr 23, 2024


@TheEdVerse I have ab it of a weird question: But do worshippers of Sune ever charge for their uhhh "services"? Free love and all, but wouldn't this sort of "tithe" help keep the church going?


Yes, but NEVER directly, and no tipping. The roundabout way it's done is to have "special" clean sheets and special undergarments worn, and then charge a side fee (a trifle inflated) for their "after cleaning."
questing gm Posted - 18 Apr 2024 : 14:43:41
On the Court of Eilistraee

Apr 18, 2024


I've finally released some long-awaited and much-requested lore on THE COURT OF EILISTRAEE, the chaotic good drow goddess that so many Realms fans love. ;}

#dnd #realmslore #forgottenrealms
May 2, 2024


I have finally released new #realmslore about Elistraee!

Fans have been asking me for years to give them anything on "The Dark Dancer" and the wait is over! I hope you all enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it :}


- Edited on 3/5/24 to add new tweet to full video
questing gm Posted - 18 Apr 2024 : 14:40:45
On Lady Darktalon

Apr 17, 2024


Want more lore on Manshoon and the Zhentarim? Come with me as we unveil the story and influence of Alicia, also known as Lady Darktalon! :}

#realmslore #forgottenrealms #dnd

questing gm Posted - 13 Apr 2024 : 08:35:40
On new realmslore on the Maraloi

Apr 13, 2024


I just released some new #realmslore

questing gm Posted - 11 Apr 2024 : 12:59:42
On Shadowdale today

Apr 10, 2024


Forgotten Realms fans: Not a Decepticon wants to talk about Ed Greenwood's "What has befallen Elminster's home of 650 years?" video:

What do you think about Elminster's tower, what Elminster is doing in Waterdeep and Storm Silverhand nursing Mordenkainen?


'Tis never unwise to get on the good side of a wizard of peerless power.

And Storm's good side has nursed many a mage and Harper back from death or insanity.

She's my walking tribute to nurses and caregivers everywhere.
questing gm Posted - 11 Apr 2024 : 12:55:03
On 3 hour discussion of factions and organizations in Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms

Apr 9, 2024


Wonderful 3+ hour discussion with @TheEdVerse @anna_b_meyer with @Littlebird_84 & @CourtneyWads94 surprising Ed! Vid here on Twitch:

And on YouTube:


Current intrigues and skullduggery amid factions of the Realms AND Greyhawk!!!
questing gm Posted - 08 Apr 2024 : 11:30:17
On Harpers in 5th Edition following the Code of the Harpers

Apr 8, 2024


Hi mister @TheEdVerse , Could you answer a question, I'm really delving into the lore of FR, do the Harpers, currently in the fifth edition, still follow the codes and questions of the Haper code, from the second edition? Are they decentralized, disorganized and free?


They are still decentralized, though the western branch has more of a hierarchy (and uses Twilight Hall in Berdusk as their headquarters, as always) than the eastern "Senior Harpers." And they still follow the Code.
questing gm Posted - 06 Apr 2024 : 09:52:23
On the dangers of a drunken Elminster

Apr 4, 2024


@TheEdVerse ever since watching your video on iron spheres, i can't help but wonder if a drunken elminster is more or less dangerous? given the remark about pina coladas, if you are willing to answer such an admittingly silly question XD


Theoretically, more dangerous because inhibitions gone so he might "cut loose" with powerful magic more easily. However, I've never seen him drunk, just "happy," and a happy Elminster seems a lot safer than a grim one.

Should I ask him?
questing gm Posted - 06 Apr 2024 : 09:16:58
On international law regulating war and humanitarian rights

Apr 4, 2024


@TheEdVerse Are there any concepts in The Realms similar to International Laws regulating warfare or humanitarian right in war?


Oh, yes. If you make war the wrong way, Tempus Lord of Battles frowns on you...and victories of any sort become rare indeed. And everyone knows this.
questing gm Posted - 06 Apr 2024 : 09:11:24
On rarity of dragon population

Apr 3, 2024


@TheEdVerse if using item rarity as a scale, what are we talking regarding the general dragon population in the Forgotten Realms?

Thanks in advance!


Outside of Laerakond and the realm of Murghôm, rare. In those places, uncommon.

There are local glitches, though: the number of dragons living in other shapes in Waterdeep, for instance.


Thank you! And that’s an interesting point… is it maybe more common to run into shapeshifted dragons throughout?


Likely. However, most of the time, you'll never know. They don't go "breaking cover" lightly.
sleyvas Posted - 05 Apr 2024 : 15:07:29
Originally posted by questing gm

On a reliable method to grant the Gift


No. There is no reliable method of passing on the Gift. A tendency has been observed for parents who both have the Gift to have offspring who have a higher chance of being Gifted than the children of non-Gifted parents, with the children of unions between Gifted and non-Gifted being “in the middle” in terms of likelihood of each of their children being Gifted.

It seems to be something beyond mortals to figure out, or control. Some have even tried such things as ongoing contact with enchanted dildoes,

LOL.... yeah, THAT'S why they were walking around with enchanted magically vibrating/twisting dildoes inserted all day.... to see if it would make them magical ... there was absolutely zero other reasons. The Sharess worshipper that was attempting this did not gain the gift, however, it is believed that she received "visions from her goddess" as a result.... though others who were watching her moans would call it something else.
sleyvas Posted - 05 Apr 2024 : 14:58:02
Originally posted by questing gm

On where do soul of gods go when they die

Mar 29, 2024


Hey, @TheEdVerse! I'm DMing in the Time of Troubles and a doubt came to my mind:

When a god dies (like Bane and Torm died in Tantras), does his soul go to the Fugue Planes (or Myrkul's Realm in this time) like mortals that died or it goes somewhere else?

What about the soul of the body they took as an Avatar?


This is one of the innate, unusual elements of godhood: there’s nothing predictable about the destination of a divine soul, or a divine-touched soul (such as the soul of a body a deity, even a demigod, has inhabited). They can appear anywhere, and go anywhere, sometimes moving by what seems like instinct or deliberate will, and sometimes seemingly at random/confused. No one knows what causes them to appear or journey to a specific place, beyond the observed fact that “unfinished business” (like an undead revenant) seems to SOMETIMES have some bearing on this.

Just to add to this... the 3.5e concept of "the place where vestiges go" might be considered a place where the "divine soul" of some beings go .... and its debatable if the "beings" that are entrapped there even still possess what we would term a "body" while in that place. It could be that body and "divine soul" are separated and that becomes what makes the place so hard to escape.

Along these lines, I highly recommend Eric Boyd's adventure "Wells of Darkness" in Dungeon #148 where he introduces a planar layer with "wells of darkness" in which powerful beings can be imprisoned, and these "wells" can be linked to "shattered night"... which may be at least ONE of the places where vestiges "go" (because we don't know that they're all in the "same" place necessarily). In that product, it notes that entrapped demons and devils are constantly trying to be "reincarnated" in the fiendish forms by the lower planes and that beings (abyssal ghouls and chasme mostly) in the "fiendish prison" are feasting on their regrowing forms to gain power themselves and prevent their fiendish regenerations.
questing gm Posted - 05 Apr 2024 : 12:17:13
On Iron Spheres

Apr 3, 2024


Friends! I've released a new video explaining on of the #forgottenrealms's strangest and most mysterious magic items: IRON SPHERES.

Join me as we discover their origins and their capabilities! #dnd #realmslore

questing gm Posted - 31 Mar 2024 : 10:18:14
On the concept of citizenship

Mar 31, 2024


@TheEdVerse I have a question for you, Wise Sage. Does the concept of citizenship (as opposed to just residency) exist anywhere in the Forgotten Realms? If so, could you please elaborate on where they have it and how it works?


Hoo boy, citizenship matters in many, many places across Faerûn, as a basis for voting, for guild membership, for preferential tax treatment in some places and land/urban real estate ownership in others; if you count towns and city states, in HUNDREDS of places.
questing gm Posted - 30 Mar 2024 : 03:03:07
On could Elminster rebuild his ancient homeland the Kingdom of the Stag Athalanter

Mar 29, 2024


@TheEdVerse if Elminster wanted to, could he rebuild his ancient homeland the Kingdom of the Stag Athalanter? I am only curious about his former homeland.


He COULD, but it would wreak havoc in current Secomber and the lands around, and would be hollow to him: it would be a "stage set" evoking his past, not restoring it. So why harm folk now, to chase something he knows he can't get back?
questing gm Posted - 30 Mar 2024 : 02:58:43
On spells or other magic in the Realms that deal with paternity tests, or other DNA-type tests

Mar 29, 2024


@TheEdVerse Are there spells or other magic in the realms that deal with paternity tests, or other DNA-type tests?


Yes, but they are rare, and most clergies that know such divine spells (they are all divine, and not arcane, though some arcane spells can detect enchanted blood; for these to have any utility, the caster has to know the nature of the blood that was “there before” a suspected contact or change or event) have ethical considerations about using them. In other words, if the requester (who must typically pay handsomely) doesn’t have a strong reason for knowing heritage/lineage/inheritance (such as a curse, or nobility, or royalty) that the clergy accepts, they won’t cast such spells. If establishing paternity will prevent local feuds or mistreatment of an individual, the clergy would likely cast such a spell.
questing gm Posted - 30 Mar 2024 : 02:54:58
On a reliable method to grant the Gift

Mar 29, 2024



Hi! l've been thinking about the Gift with your tweets this past week, and I got to wondering: is it even possible to have a reliable method to grant the Gift? If so, has anyone figured one out yet? If not, why?


No. There is no reliable method of passing on the Gift. A tendency has been observed for parents who both have the Gift to have offspring who have a higher chance of being Gifted than the children of non-Gifted parents, with the children of unions between Gifted and non-Gifted being “in the middle” in terms of likelihood of each of their children being Gifted.

It seems to be something beyond mortals to figure out, or control. Some have even tried such things as ongoing contact with enchanted dildoes, surgically implanted magic items, magical undergarments, and “treatment programs” of having spells frequently cast on pregnant women and their infants, to try to make the Gift manifest more often…but NOTHING is reliable. Mystra, Azuth, and Ao can grant the Gift, and overwhelming one’s own blood with that of creatures whose Gift is innate (dragon’s blood) often but not always works, but nothing more is reliable.

It's obviously, after all this time and experimentation, something that can’t be “figured out,” so…that’s why.
questing gm Posted - 30 Mar 2024 : 02:51:20
On Vangerdahast's sanctum in "Elminster's Daughter"

Mar 29, 2024


@TheEdVerse hey just checking... was Vangerdahast's sanctum in "Elminster's Daughter" the Stag Steads lodge near Mouth o' Gargoyles?


No. It was near Stag Steads, but was a place he magically shielded from discovery (and magically reshaped) after discovering it. Unbeknownst to him, part of it consisted of caverns in the depths of the King’s Forest that in ancient times were lairs for dragons—and when Mystra’s vestige appeared in another cave, some of her “backup echoes” were in this sanctum.

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