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Ben66 Posted - 04 Jun 2013 : 19:28:06
Thanks for having me. I don't know where this should go, but I can't find information on the town of Skullwatch that overlooks the skull gorge. Is there anything about it or can I just make something for it. I did a search for it but no help. Thanks.

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Ben66 Posted - 06 Jun 2013 : 04:23:26
And yes that is the map I have.
Ben66 Posted - 06 Jun 2013 : 04:21:42
I thank you all for the welcome, and also for the answers. I had thought to just make it an outpost as well, but was going to fill it with mercs. ( I like the idea of the cult better tho ).I had searched for days to find anything on it, but was unable to find anything as well except what was is written in Volo's. So again thank you for the responses. :)
Markustay Posted - 05 Jun 2013 : 14:08:33
Its nothing I came up with (although 3-4 other 'locales' on that map were created by me). Its not on any previous map, so I would assume it is some sort of outpost of Cormyr watching the Gorge (and by 'outpost', I mean a small, fortified village - more like a fort with a few buildings with 'amenities' for travelers and the soldiery). Thats just my 'best guess', though.

While searching for the official (4e) Cormyr map, I couldn't find a single copy anywhere on the web - including the copy Mike Schley himself posted over at the Cartographer's guild. I saw dozens off them just a couple of weeks ago.

I would assume Wizbro is once-again 'cleaning house'. Must have been my comment about them not defending their IP very well.
Brimstone Posted - 05 Jun 2013 : 10:35:58
I would ask Brian R. James. He did the Cormyr Backdrop that map came from.
Aldrick Posted - 05 Jun 2013 : 05:21:00
I checked all my maps, and it's located on the (very well done!) 4E Cormyr Map.

I'm sorry to say that there isn't much out there on Skullwatch, and I don't see it on any maps prior to 4th Edition. I'd say it's a town that was founded at least after 1375 DR - if not post-Spellplague.

However, some information on the region can be found in Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast and the 2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, both of which may prove helpful and informative. If you set your Realms post-Spellplague the information could be a bit dated, but as far as I know there is nothing new on the region since that time.

Which is both good and bad. On the bad side of things, there is no new lore. On the good side of things, you're free to make stuff up on your own!

So my advice is to pick up Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast and use that as your starting point; the information begins on page 123. I'll post some general information about the Skull Gorge and the Battle of Bones below, but I'm unaware if the area has appeared in any adventures.

Skull Gorge
Skull Gorge is situated on the upper course of the River Reaching. It is a sharp cut through the surrounding terrain, and its steep walls run almost to the river's edge. The walls of the gorge are made of a very pale gray stone and are riddled with caverns.

It was in this steep-walled valley that the bulk of the surviving orc and hobgoblin chieftains and shamans gathered following the Battle of Bones to stand off the armies of humans. The goblinoid races summoned extraplanar aid, for later forces encountered many fiends and tanarri. A great disembodied skull glowing with red flames was seen in the air above the gorge as the human troops made their final assault. The gorge was cleared of the orcs and hobgoblins, and is now thought to be deserted.

Much booty is said to have been hurriedly concealed in the caverns that lace the whitestone walls of the gorge. Few who have come here seeking that treasure have been seen again, and though treasure has been found here, so have fell beasts that seem to appear from nowhere to attack travelers in the gorge.
- 2nd Edition FRCS, pg. 98

The Battle of Bones
Travelers moving into this region pass over a withered land with a few stunted scrub trees. The soil has a dusty white pallor to it. As the site of the battle nears, outcroppings of bone jut from the soil until finally the bones outnumber the rocks themselves and the adventurer is moving through a wasteland of bleached remains.

On this site, in a shallow valley almost 300 winters ago (1090 DR), a titanic battle erupted between human forces and the various goblinoid races. The goblin nations, along with orcs, hobgoblins, and their allies, had spilled out of the dwindling Goblin Marches and overrun the North. A combined force of humans and elves, along with the last shards of several dwarven kingdoms, met the invasion head-on at this site. After almost a week of continuous fighting, the good races triumphed, and only a tenth of the great horde was sent reeling back to its marches. The victory came at horrendous cost, however. So numerous were the dead that even today their bones are said to cover the ground here to a depth of 12 inches.

This region is avoided by most travelers due to the great numbers of undead creatures now said to be here. Those who do come this way - seeking a route along the edge of the desert - speak of some power organizing the undead into patrols and thereby controlling the area. No one has yet investigated these claims.

Encounters Around the Battle
Encounters in the area of the Battle of Bones extend 30 miles in all directions, and include all manner of undead creatures: skeletons (humanoid and animal), zombies (human and monster), wights, wraiths, and spectres. The undead are often found in mixed parties, with one more powerful undead leader (wight, wraith, or spectre) to be found for every 20 lesser undead). Lesser undead under the control of greater undead turn as the greater undead. Undead in the Battle of Bones area itself are turned on the "Special" column. The mysterious force behind the gathering undead may be of lich power at least, and if greater, may even have several liches or more powerful undead as servants.
- 2nd Edition FRCS, 87 & 88

Personally, I'd have a clerical order loyal to Kelemvor and Jergal responsible for establishing the town. Picture a small frontier village that must be entirely self-sufficient - very grim. I'd have them be of a somewhat outcast and heretical order (hence why they are located so far out of the way). Let's call them the Order of the Final Days, a group who was founded by a priest of Jergal (keep in mind that he is the deity of fatalism and is known as the Lord of the End of Everything) who they believed was a prophet. He foretold of "the eternal winter" - a time that would begin to herald the end of all things, when the world would collapse into eternal darkness, and ice would cover the land - a time when all life is inevitably snuffed out. This order would believe themselves to be living in the final times, and they are constantly seeking signs so that they can prepare the faithful for their eternal rest.

They've come to this region, specifically, to battle against the undead. To this end the largest number of Companions of the Pallid Mask can be found here (both those who agree and disagree with the cult). Many old members of the Pallid Mask come here to make their final stand against the forces of the undead before they are taken to their final rest.

The small village grew up around the temple, which appears more like a fortress than anything else.

Obviously this is all non-canon, and I made it up completely out of thin air - I'm just trying to spark some ideas in your head on what you can do with the place!

Hopefully you find this helpful, even if I couldn't directly answer your question! Also, welcome to Candlekeep.
xaeyruudh Posted - 05 Jun 2013 : 05:12:50
this map shows it... so it's either homebrew or probably on a 4e cormyr map.

It doesn't appear to be described in any 3e or earlier sources, and from a peek around google I'm guessing there's pretty much nothing official written about it even in 4e.

So my personal opinion would be yes, you can do whatever you need to with it without fear of contradicting any canon.
lordsknight185 Posted - 05 Jun 2013 : 03:52:00
What map do you have? The official 3e map does not have a "Skullwatch" by the Skull Gorge.
Ben66 Posted - 05 Jun 2013 : 03:23:23
Just northwest of the sunset Mtns. In the stonelands lies the skull gorge. After the battle of bones the orcs fled there. I have a map that shows a small village called skullwatch on it. But I cannot find any relevant information about it. I have a group that is neering it and would like to know what's it's purpose is other than to keep check on the orcs and what not that live in the gorge. Can I just fill it as I need?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Jun 2013 : 20:07:49

Can't say I'm recalling anything about this, off the top of my head... Where is this referred to?

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