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 Preservation spell

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wenin Posted - 05 Sep 2009 : 19:01:24
I'm looking to build a magical box. If you place a non-living object, such as a book, within it, the item is protected from the ravages of time.

Are there any preservation spells?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Snowblood Posted - 07 Sep 2009 : 04:33:18
you could always up the component value and increase the costs so as to make your box a room or vault....
Hoondatha Posted - 06 Sep 2009 : 16:05:40
[shrug] It's permanent, and can affect anything up to your body mass. Maybe make it items up to your body mass? Personally, I would nuke the gem component rather than the level. It also needs a chunk of ironwood, some chitin from a beholder or ankheg, and a drop of giant slug spittle, so I think you could get away without the gem component.
Wenin Posted - 06 Sep 2009 : 08:44:43
Thank you both. I'll likely create a new spell based on both of the above.
I do think 5th level to be a bit high for such a spell though.
Hoondatha Posted - 05 Sep 2009 : 23:46:18
The spell you're looking for is Veladar's Vambrace, from Volo's Guide to All Things Magical. 5th level, alteration, it's one of the main spells that make enchanted items stronger than normal items. It strengthens inorganic substances so they don't rot or age, and gives them a +5 bonus on saving throws vs acid, crushing blow, disintegration, fall, fire, and cold. It also purges all cracks and weaknesses.

It also requires a number of expensive components, including a diamond worth 2,000 gp.
Quale Posted - 05 Sep 2009 : 23:32:44
There's a spell called gentle repose that preserves corpses and undead flesh, probably it could be easily altered for books.

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