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 Was there some sort of site purge?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GMWestermeyer Posted - 15 Feb 2014 : 18:18:05
Many years ago, I had some articles up on the site, and I thought I had submitted at least 1 PC for the PC listings? But I don't see any of it. Did a purge of old material happen or did stuff get lost? Mostly just curious, not angry.
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Alaundo Posted - 06 Mar 2014 : 12:05:03
Well met

I've had a good search through the tomes and can't locate any such article, GMWestermeyer. I can assure ye, however, that no tomes are removed from Candlekeep unless explicitly requested by the author.
The Sage Posted - 20 Feb 2014 : 04:03:05
Fair enough.

If you have any further issues, feel free to contact either myself or Alaundo here, and we'll see what we can do.
GMWestermeyer Posted - 20 Feb 2014 : 03:45:24
No, not sure how I would do that... but I may just be having memory issues and cofusing this with some other site from back in the day. Sorry, and never mind!
The Sage Posted - 19 Feb 2014 : 04:26:09
Originally posted by GMWestermeyer

It was an article on mercenaries in the Realms?

Also, an NPC, Elrohir Amroth?

Did you contact Alaundo?
GMWestermeyer Posted - 19 Feb 2014 : 01:16:48
It was an article on mercenaries in the Realms?

Also, an NPC, Elrohir Amroth?
Jorkens Posted - 16 Feb 2014 : 07:31:44
I think one of mine disappeared from the main site for a while a couple of years ago, but Alaundo fixed it quickly.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Feb 2014 : 03:16:44
I am not aware of anything that's been taken down...
The Sage Posted - 16 Feb 2014 : 03:13:09
You'd best contact Alaundo directly on this, GM. I know he cleared/re-arranged some of the more older material a long while back, but I don't think anything was actually purged. It may simply have been moved to a new shelf on the main site.

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