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 My random town event generator

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Marquant Volker Posted - 21 Oct 2013 : 18:33:21
Greetings all! it's been awhile,

I am a great fan of random generators in general, and after i visited some of them on the web, i thought i can make my own modified for my own game.

Perhaps you can find some ideas or even text, names etc from random gens that i "burrowed" but mostly are modified.

The purpuse of this generator is to be used in my homebrew/Netheril campaign. One of the PCs is an arcanists "overlord" (the official Netherese title is Praetor) of a small frontier town. The poor town that all the wacky stuff you will see bellow may happen

Because of the nature of my campaign (being arcanists and all) the PC's have many NPC underlings/cohorts (warriors, bodyguards/agents) who protect them,serve them, guard their fortunes and...fill the ranks.
When i refer a "named NPC" or "important NPC" i refer one of this cohorts.

For simplicity purposes when NPC cohorts fight other NPCs we use Warhammer Fantasy rules (otherwise it would take ages)

Also we made a simple homebrew ecomony system for farming (quality and quantity of crops/wheat) some events will tinker with that. ignore the modifiers and enjoy the fluff

So here we go, the first ten. If you find it interesting i will post them all via EDIT (im around 45/100 but i have to check again) . Also feel free to make suggestions and/or your event to incude them as well (i had a lot of FUN doing this stuff)

ROLL D100 (if you dare)

1. Rat Swarms roll D6
(1) All the seeds are destroyed, -10 on Harvest (quality and quantity) and Plague
(2) All the seeds are destroyed, -8 on Harvest (quality and quantity)
(3) All the seeds are destroyed, -6 on Harvest (quality and quantity)
(4) -4 in Harvest (quality and quantity)
(5) Your rat catchers did they work. Loose 5d6x100 gp in expenses and cats (!)
(6) Your stalwart cat defenders repelled the vermin invasion.

2. Murder Roll D6 on a roll of 1-4 is a known NPC 5-6 is someone inferior (peasant etc) then roll another D6:
(1) The NPC is murdered and the assassin continues! Roll again!
(2 -5) the NPC is murdered the assassin fled
(6) The assassin is caught and killed

3. Several recently buried bodies have been desecrated by grave robbers at the Rathney Crypt. roll D6
(1)Unburied bodies are Dangerous - Plague hits the village
(2) 2d6 Zombies or Skeletons (roll d6) attacks the village
(3) The damage done by the robbers is 5d6x100. If you decide not to cover it one of the two above happens (roll D6)
(4) The same as above but the damage done by the robbers is 3d6x100.
(5) The Robbers are caught but they manage to flee in the dark. No damage is done
(6) A Helpful ghost of a little girl appears and warns her living parents. The Robbers are captured. Some say the helpful ghost will appear again;

4. Thieves come at night! (Midnight Brigade Major Thieves Guild) Roll D6
(1) Curses! Your vault is emptied! You are ruined!
(2) Grand Theft Arcanist: Lose 2d6x1000 gp
(3) It could be worse: Lose 1d6x1000
(4)Could not find the stash: lose 5d6x100 gp
(5)Your guards discovered the Thieves and chased them away
(6)Your men captured the thieves. Their leader is negotiating their random (1d6x1000gp) plus the services of the guild free of charge- onetime in the future. If this fails he threatens you

5. Wedding of someone popular - a known NPC (determine randomly)
Roll D6: on a roll of 4-6 the counter part is another known NPC of the other sex
Then roll D6
(1) The night before the wedding (1-3) the Groom or (4-6) the Bride escapes and leaves town
(2) Just before the ceremony takes place a NPC (1-3) or an Unknown swordsman appears and says he is a past lover of the bride and his honor has been compromised. This starts a Duel with the groom. If the groom wins the wedding continues, if he loses the wedding is over.
(3-5) The wedding is a success, a grand feast continue. Gain 3d6x100 gp
(6) Someone very important (the Earl? The Prince?) Is related with the couple and makes a visit. He gives a grand gift to the couple and to the local lord. You gain 10d6x100

6. A Rogue Adventurer comes to town. Roll D6 (Schase the Light Shadow)
Roll D6
(1) The adventurer steals 2d6x100 and flees
(2) The adventurer is chased away by fathers who are worried for their daughter¢s honour
(3) The adventurer picks a fight with a NPC (Duel)
(4) The adventurer spends a lot before leaving (gain 5d6 x 100)
(5) The adventurer resupplies (gain 2d6 x100) and decides to stick around for a while
(6) The adventurer offers his services to you

7. The opening of Hungry Soldier Inn & Beerhaus (Albicold Belir)
Albicold Belir and his family wans to establish his busyness. But no one heard of Albicold before (he claims he is a veteran in the army and a hero and... Roll D6
(1) Albicold is a king¢s spy. The Inn is a front
(2) Albicold is an associate with the Midnight Brigade thieves¢ guild. He will act a fence and hideout for guild members and illegal gambling
(3-5) Albocold is a good guy a big fat liar maybe but a decent Innkeeper. His Beer (he doesn¢t serve ale) is cool and the busyness clean
(6) Albicold was once a cook for a Netherese arcanist. He is very fond of the Netherese culture. Since you happen to be one, he volunteers to be your informer and associate. He is trained in Netherese cuisine.

8. Funeral of someone important One of your NPC¢s dies.
Roll D6
(1) Sacrilege! Bandits (The Pious men) raid the house of the deceased the night before the funeral. They demand 3d6x100 gp to return the body for proper burial. Otherwise they will feed the local wolves
(2-5) Valar Morghulis Your bury your beloved NPC.
(6) Somehow the savvy NPC staged his death (with or without help) for his own reasons. Not only he lives but he starts a new life with a different name. Elsewhere

9. Music Festival Bards & Musicians come to town. Roll D6
(1) The music is terrible and all the expenses lost (loose 3d6x100) Roll a further dice, on a roll of 1 or 2 the head musician is brought to you by an angry mob who demands justice (?)
(2) The festival is half- decent , no great show at least the night passed without accidents
(3-4) A good performance and a night to remember. Gain 3d6x100 gold
(5) A great feast! The best artists are gathered and the music continues until morning! Gain 5d6x100
(6) Same as 5 + a local villager takes his chance to the stage and performs terrific. Congratulations! You gained a young Bard follower

10. Ulm the local idiot rides a pig in the town center roll d6
(1) The pig crushes to a wall. Ulm is injured (roll) the pig dies (Bacon!)
(2) The pig crushes to a trading post. Ulm is injured (roll) the pig dies (Bacon!)
(3) The pig crushes to a bystander (on a roll of 1-3 it¢s a named NPC 4-6 some peasant) Ulm and the bystander are injured (roll) the pig is fine
(4) The pig makes a wild dash through the corps (-d6 on quantity) then it crushes (ofc) amongst the wheat. Ulm is injured (roll) the pig is fine
(5) The pig crushes to a suspicious looking person. Later you find out that the person was a wanted man. Ulm and the Wanted man are both injured (roll). The pig is fine
(6) The pig crushes nowhere. Ulm manages to ride it. The village idiot atop a pig comes to you and offers his lance (a broomstick). Congratulations, you gained the services of the Realm's lamest knight.

11. Fire! All able bodied individuals are expected to help with bucket brigade
Roll a D6 times on the following temple (d8)
(1) The Buildings are on fire! Roll d6 for each wooden building and D20 for stone/brick ones on a roll of 1 the building collapses. For each burned building lose d6 commoners
(2) The Granary caught fire! You lose all the grain/seed. Lose 3d6 commoners
(3) A randomly selected named NPC is trapped! He must make an Init test or roll on injury table
(4) The crops are burning! -2d6 on the roll for quantity. Lose 3d6 commoners
(5) Brave Fire Fighter: A family (d6) of commoners is trapped in a burning building. A random NPC must pass a T check in order to save them. If he succeeds roll for progress, if he fails roll for injury
(6) Gold¢s Boiling point: you lose 10dx100 gp.
(7) Organization is all: A randomly selected NPC is organizing the bucket brigade. He makes a LD check, if he succeeds reduce the initial rolls by 1 (if this is the last roll ignore everything) and may roll for progress. If he fails he rolls on the injury chart
(8) With great relief you feel the sweet kisses of the first rain drops. It¢s starting to rain. You are saved! Ignore any remaining rolls

12. Rinton Damnare, a famous (and broke) auctioneer comes to town and establishes #8220;Strong Point#8221; Arms & Armour
A distant relative to a noble family arrives in town to set up shop. He asks for a loan of 10d6x100gp to help him start. Refusing him will make him even more persistent. He will not leave on his own
If you refuse him: roll d6
(1-2) He takes his case in the court of Redwater the Earl¢s seat. Roll d6 1-4 he wins and he demands the sum as a fine for his troubles. On a roll of 5-6 he is gone and never bothers you again
(3-4) He writes to all his distant cousins and friends. You are flooded with letters from various noble lords & ladies asking you to #8220;allow him exercise his trade#8221;. Not only you look poor to your peers but roll a further d6: on a roll of 1 the prince sends you a letter asking you to be generous and give him the loan. Will you upset your future king?
(5) He causes general trouble, while being your shadow, and threatens you he will do something of the above.
(6) He smooth talks you, and honors you with his #8220;elevated#8221; company
If you accept roll d6
(1-2) He takes the money and off he goes!
(3-4) He establishes #8220;Strong Point#8221; Arms & Armour. Congratulations you have an Armor/Weapons store in your town (not a smith thought) with weapons of good quality too!
(5-6) The above + the Noble Sons Visits town event

13. Peasant Riot! If you have a very good reputation make opposed d6 check with DM. If you win reroll the D100 (but you can¢t reroll two times in a row)
Roll D6
(1) Revolution! Gather your forces and prepare for battle.
(2)Reckless Mob: Roll D6 for all your NPCs. On a roll of 1-2 they take D3 Strength 3 hits. The mob rushes to your mansion and loots everything
(3) Angry Mob: Roll D6 for all your NPCs. On a roll of 1-2 they take D3 Strength 3 hits. In addition the make 10d6 X 100 damages
(4) A Loud lot: They shouted high, but when you gave them gold and promises for even more they called it a day. Lose 5d6x100gp
(5) Not in my watch: your NPCs and guards subdue the riot.
(6) You strike a deal out of thin air by telling them what they wanted to hear! Lies! You are a natural ruler !

14. Dorowyn Berwin, a Fieldmarshal of the "Mastiffs of Revenge" Mercenaries come to town with his troops (2d6 x 10 men)
You can either hire him (that¢s what he expects) for Number of men x 100gp or roll D6. If you do they follow your orders for d6 years

(1) The mercenaries attack the town, they want to pillage it! To arms!!!
(2-3) the mercenaries demand 10d6X100 gp and 30 able bodied young men to join them
(3) The mercenaries enter your town peacefully. They flood the inns, take animals and do mischief. You lose 7dx100, and while your NPCs won¢t stand this use the Brawl rules. Roll another dice, on a roll of 1-3 the mercenaries stays the next 6 months as well
(4)The mercenaries steal what they can from your crop and destroy the rest. (-10 quantity, -10 quality)
(5) The mercenaries steal what they can from your crop, in their efford they damage the rest. (-6 quantity, -6 quality)
(6)The Former name of Dorowyn Berwin is Remus Delmark, and are good old friends with one of your (mercenary) NPCs (roll randomly) you gained a potential ally. The mercenaries enters your town in a friendly manner, and a music festival is organized (see Music festival)

15. Lost treasure found!
(1) Fool¢s Gold: Ulm the local idiot made a prank, and half the town fell for it!
(2) Hidden minor stash! You gain 1d6 x 100gp
(3) Smuggler¢s Stash! You gain 3d6 x 100 gp
(4) Midnight Brigade¢s vault! You gain 10d10 x 100
(5) Lost treasure: You gain an item and 15D10 x 100
(6) Lost Hoard: You gain D3 items and 20D10 x 100

16. Ronan Goodweather the famous seed merchant comes to town.
His prices for his superior seeds are 500gp (+2) and 1000gp(+4)
If you buy roll D6
(1) For reasons unknown the superior seeds didn¢t worked. Maybe the merchant tricked you or this seed variety wont work on your ground. Roll normaly you don¢t get any plus modifiers
(2) #8211; (5) it works exactly as planned
(6) Roll a Diplomacy check (DC 17) if you succeed you convince Ronan to give you seeds for extra D3 crops #8220;to promote them to your arcanists fellows#8221;

17. Alex Wace an aristocrat wishes to build a hunting lodge near town
You can refuse him with no consequences, but if you don¢t you gain 10d6 x 100. You also gain Alex Wace his lodge and his hunting noble friends. Roll D6
(1) Wace is in fact a vampire, the lodge is a haven.
(2) Wace is a serial killer, so are his friends, it won¢t be long before people starts to disappear
(3) Wace is a manic hunter; he and his many friends will make the forest run out of animals soon
(4) Its not hunting animals what he is here for its skirts! Not only the townsfolk will complain for his orgies in the lodge (or well in lots of places) but he will try to seduce local girls as well
(5) Wace is an artist (poetry) and he wants to be alone and find inspiration
(6) You gained a new good and powerful friend, you are invited often in the lodge to play chess, drink good wine, hunt, tell exciting stories and meet interesting people.

18. Teamsters & Builders guild starting to form
(1-2) The Guildsmen fail to agree. Nothing happens
(3) The Guild starts to operate, and they have demands. You lose 5d6 x 100 gp
(4) The Guild starts to operate, and they have demands. You lose 3d6x100 gp
(5) The Guild starts to operate. Your smooth talking filled their cruel hearts#8230;
(6) The guild starts to operate and the guildsmen voted you (even if you didn¢t know) as their Guild master. You gain 5d6 x 100gp and another title for your collection

19. Rigar Zelrya the dentist extraordinaire along with this co-workers arrives to town
You may pay the fee of 1500 gp to the Dentist. If you do roll D6
(1) Charlatan Extraordinaire #8211; Not only he doesn¢t do his work right #8211; he mess everything up. Roll with a -1 modifier on the next plague/disease roll
(2-5) Dental hygiene: +1 on the next plague/disease roll
(6)You saved us Doctor! You pass automatically your next plague/disease roll

20. There have been rumors of a series of escalating incidents between rival gangs
Roll D6 to determine the number of gangs. Determine gang leaders amongst NPCs / commoners with the help of the DM.
(1) Gang Warfare: Each gang has 5d6 members and they are loyal to their cause. The gangs will fight, and after that they continue to exist. You lose 10d6x100gp
(2) Gang Violence: Each gang has 4d6 members and they are loyal to their cause. You loose 5d6x100gp
(3) Gangs are formed: Each gang has 3d6 members and they are loyal to their cause.
(4) More like Cliques: Each Clique has 3d6 members with moderate loyalty
(5) Teenage groups: Each group has 3d6 members with moderate loyalty they look innocent for now
(6) There are no gangs here! (for now)

21. Duel!
Two randomly selected NPCs engage in a duel. Resolve normaly

22. The Forest Bandits (Pious Men) have taken a Hostage! (Roll a random NPC as the hostage)
They demand 5d6X100 gp random You choose either to attack the bandits or ransom
If you ransom roll D6
(1)the hostage is dead anyway
(2-5) the hostage is alive
(6) the hostage has information on their base
If you attack
(1)The bandits leave and they kill the hostage. Also you have d6 casualties (roll injury)
(2)The bandits leave and they take the hostage with them
(3-5)Your NPC engages the Bandits #8211; play a skirmish
(6)One of your Brave NPCs (roll random) sneaks in the bandit base and free the hostage. He comes back with information (number) too. You may decide to attack. The Brave lad receives a progress roll

23. The Colorful Friends #8211; Circus has arrived
(1) The animals have gone loose d3 NPC are taken down (roll on table) loose 5d6x100 gold
(2) The show is terrible and the angry mob drives the circus away while shouting for their wasted money
(3-5) there is no business like show business! (gain 3d6X100 gp)
(6) The above + you gain the services of: (Roll D6): 1-2 Annabelle (acrobatic Rogue) or Timmons (knife thrower) or both 5-6

24. It¢s a Brawl ! and a big one
Roll LD for each NPC. A failed one means he enters the brawl. Some characters (DM discretion) automatically join the brawl
Roll for each NPC differently D6
(1) Boxing Sack: The character is injured roll injury table
(2-5)You give some, you get some: Nothing Happened
(6) #8220;You wanna a piece o¢ me?#8221;: Roll to see if the character progresses

25. The seeds in the granary caught bugs Roll D6
(1) The grain some kind of worms too small for the eye to see, but very dangerous. The Black Death Plague has come!
(2) Maybe this is why this crop doesn¢t go well. #8211;D8 in Quantity / Quality
(3-4) little buggers ate everything. Your seeds are lost
(5) Little buggers almost ate everything #8211;d6 quantity
(6) Nothing happens

26. Earthquake ! The earth starts shaking! Roll d6
(1) Roll D6 for all buildings on 1 they fall
(2-4) Roll D20 for all building on 20 they fall
(5) During the Earthquake a chasm in the ground is created. It may lead to the Underdark?
(6) An old stone tower fell from the quake, but as the dust clears a chest is revelead. Roll on Lost Treasure entry

27. Charismatic Person:
One commoner gains a skill. Determine randomly

28. Elmund Boltmaker
A crossbow maker comes to town. Roll d6
(1) He offers very cheap crossbows, but they break pretty soon, when they do Elmund is gone loose 10d6x100 gp
(2) He sells good quality crossbows, but after he leaves a King¢s messenger arrives and informs you that the crossbows were stolen from the King¢s armory. Either you return them and pay 5d6X100gp or risk an argument with the king
(3-5) Elmund is an Honest man and he sets up a store. He agrees to pay you d6x1000 for the rights to sell his crossbows and weapons
(6) The above plus he gives you a +2 Crossbow as a gift

29. Ruins near Hermit¢s Cliffs found! Is there treasure?
Bottomless pit. A mysterious chasm in hidden among the rumble. It is too deep and leads to the underdark. From the first expedition a random NPC must make a init roll or fall to his death. This applies to all the following
(1) Nothing of interest
(2) Goblins! Skirmish with 3d6 goblins and their chief. If you defeat them gain 5D6x100 gp and a random item#8230;
(3) Ogre #8211; fight a single Ogre. 3d6 x100 and a magic item
(4) The hermit arrives and starts shouting because you interrupted his meditation
(5) Hermit¢s corpse gain a random item
(6) Brother Rodulfus the Hermit joins your retinue

30. Religious Men arrives #8211; Father Estebath and his retinue
First randomly determine the deity. Then roll D6
(1) Along with the help of population they started to build a church. The peasants demand donations from you
(2) Some villagers volunteered to give their homes to the church. Donations are welcome
(3-4) They continue to Preach for now and they are gaining worshipers. Reroll next year with -1 modifier
(5) The villagers ask you what to do, clearly they want the holy men around but your opinion weight more
(6) The angry mob chases the holy men away! We are Netherese we bow to noone! Begone Godslaves! Father Estebath proves a good runner

31. (not so )Noble sons visit town - Noble sons make a pause from hunting to visit town
(1) A fight broke out over some local beauty. The noble sons and their bodyguards do a punch-up with the locals. Threat is a brawl. Then roll opposed D6 with the DM, the loser pays 5d6x100 gp fine. The fine can be denied (by both) and risk a political crisis
(2) Duel #8211; treat is a duel. If the local NPC wins he rolls for progress. If the noble wins he spends all his money to celebrate his victory Gain 10d6x100
(3-5) The nobles eat & drink and are merry. You gain 5d6x100
(6) The above plus either one of your NPCs (or even you) (roll randomly) befriend the leader of the nobles group (The son of the Earl?)

32. The Author of "Voyages of Dragoant Damarlos " will be signing copies and leading a discussion #8211; All named characters must roll LD or embark on Quests

33. Monster Hunt! #8211; The title says it¢s all

34. Drunken Revel the NPCs are having a grand time as the ale flows freely#8230;
All NPCs must pass a LD check. Those who fail must succeed on a Toughness check or you lose D6x100 Gold for Damages from each drunken fool.

35. A mercenary (1-3) or Hedge Knight (4-6) offers his services for free!
Gottfried Jorgens come to town and offers his services to you Roll d6
(1)He is wanted for a war crime by the King of Middenheim
(2)He deserted the Mastiffs of Revenge mercenary company
(3)He got caught with Count¢s Redgars wife in Bed
(4-6) He accidentally killed an arcanist on his own side during the siege of Mantree (with a Ballista don¢t ask how)

36. Young lovers have taken the PCs' room as refuge to meet in.
Roll d6
(1-2) the surprised PC find them #8220;in action#8221; RP accordingly#8230;.
(3-4) the angry parents figure it out, the lovers agree to get married
(5-6) the angry parents figure it out, the lovers escape and leave town

37. Derelict ship by the shore an mysterious and unnamed ship appears out of he mists
Roll D6
(1) Its Plagued
(2): It¢s haunted
(3): It can be repaired for 5d6x100 gp
(4): its empty, but it can be used immediately
(5): Treasure 5d6x100
(6).Treasure Stash D6x1000 (1-3) or 5D6x100 + Item (4-6)

38. Faldam the Journeyman swordsman comes to town and challenges a NPC.
He bets 10d6 x 100, fight a duel and win or lose gp according to the outcome

39. A band of gypsies comes to town
Isabella the dancing beauty among them. Roll D6
(1)While the townsfolk attend to the dance Isabella¢s brothers steal 5d6x100 gold
(2)Two random characters start a duel for the Isabella¢s beautiful eyes
(3-5) Merchants and visitors from afar come. Gain 5d6 x 100 gp
(6) the same as (3-5) plus a randomly selected person (PC included) falls in love with the charming brunette gypsy

40. An Unbound Familiar Appears! It might be looking for a new master, a friend, or to just play a prank...

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Marquant Volker Posted - 22 Oct 2013 : 08:06:35
Expanded the list from 11-19

EDIT: The list is updated up to No40 now. I hope it's interesting. Feel free to make suggestions or your own entries
Kentinal Posted - 22 Oct 2013 : 01:16:29
Well actually I would go with 12 bushels of wheat per year, not the 24. It though was an interesting site. It also should be noted rye, wheat, barley are not the same as useable human food.
Marquant Volker Posted - 21 Oct 2013 : 23:37:03
It's not a typo :-)we are going to do 100 Town Events ! Of course i am not alone, many events ideas and suggestons came from my players !

The town's (main) income comes from selling crops, after feeding townsfolk and keeping reserve for next period's planting

For the farming system we took the main idea from here

but we added also the a quality modifier (a different roll on table similar the one on the site that sets the price of the crop)

Then we multiply the price (Quality) with the Production for sale (quantity -food -seeds for next planting)

Since the town is in a sunny vale we roll two times-two crops per year. One for summer (normal) and one for "winter" with a -5 modifier (well not exacly winter but we call it that)

That is the main idea :-)

Kentinal Posted - 21 Oct 2013 : 21:57:50
Originally posted by Marquant Volker

Dear fellow sages & scribes no animals (especially pigs) were harmed in the creation of this post.

We are sure of that, the NPC pig has a good survival chance anyway.

It is an interesting chart, where are the other 90 options? ;) (I infer a typo that was to read d10).

I am more interested in how you calculate Harvest, the -10 comes from some other number?

Marquant Volker Posted - 21 Oct 2013 : 21:48:47
Dear fellow sages & scribes no animals (especially pigs) were harmed in the creation of this post.
Fellfire Posted - 21 Oct 2013 : 20:26:17
As long as the pig is fine.
Kentinal Posted - 21 Oct 2013 : 20:20:22
ROLL D100 (if you dare)

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